03 December 2010

The first snow and some cozy slippers

On Tuesday night, it started to snow for the first time this winter and everyone was super excited. There was a huge snowball fight in the courtyard of my dorm. A couple friends and I played in the snow while; they were rolling huge snowballs and I was just enjoying the falling snow. We rolled the snowballs to the courtyard and 9 people that none of use knew proceeded to attack us with snowballs. We hid behind the massive snowballs, but it was kind of futile. I got hit in the face twice. It was super cool that everyone was so excited about the snow. The next day; there was a ton of snow on the ground and it continued to snow for just about the whole day!

Snow in Grenoble!!

Me happy about the snow!

The path to class

The University Center covered in snow

Manu and I excited about all of the snow!!

José rolling a huge ball of snow on the first night of snow

José and Benji with 2/3 a snowman

Good thing I had my cozy, very classy slippers at the end of the day to keep my feet warm.

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