07 March 2011

Marionettes and free vegan food

A marionette festival has been going on in Grenoble for the last week or so, and I thought I would go to one of the pieces as I believe it is a type of theater that originated (or at least is quite popular) in France. Today at 12:30 there was a piece called "Faim de Loup" (Wolf Hunger) where there were a couple classes of children and other various people from the community. It turned out to be quite an interesting experience. The tickets were free with a donation request (I donated 5€) for the hour-long performance loosly based on Little Red Riding Hood, and at the end they handed out a free vegan meal, including a delicious chocolate-coconut dessert. I am pretty sure it was an experience that I never could have had in America

The free vegan lunch handed out at the end of the show

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