30 November 2010

The perfect cure for a chilly winter day in the Alps

Thanksgiving is not celebrated in France, but the day designated as Black Friday in the United States was the first day of the Christmas season in France as well. It is a little different in France though because there are no major sales and people don't wait outside stores all night. While there are still hoards of people, a French Christmas seems to be about shopping at local vendors opposed to department stores. In fact, that one thing I have found about France is that local and regional products are very important and each region embraces those products: a lot of the time those products are food and wine. For example, raclettte, tartiflette, vin chaud, diots, walnuts (unfortunately for me because of my allergy), and certain types of cheese are the regional foods in Grenoble. Anyway, on the first day of the Christmas season in France, there is the marché de noël (Christmas market) where vendors sell various foods and gifts through Decembre 24th. It is kind of like a farmer's market for Christmas that is open everyday. Apparently every city in France has a marché de noël similar to the one in Grenoble, but they sell some different products. There are also Christmas events planned throughout the next couple weeks like free live music, fireworks, and a parade.

A few friends and I went to the marché together and I took several pictures of vendors. In case anyone was wondering, vin chaud is hot, spiced wine.

The Jardin de Ville where most of the vendors were set up

Cognac vendor

A vendor selling home decor


Baskets of spices


You can actually buy fresh roasted chestnuts here!!

Yum... cupcakes

A mini cabin-like café where you could eat tartiflette, diot sausage, crêpes, and more.
Also, there was hot chocolate and vin chaud available, of course.

Local treats for consumption

Doughnuts, hot chocolate, and vin chaud... how could I not stop here?

Me sipping my first cup of vin chaud. It is the perfect cure for a chilly winter day in the Alps as far as I am concerned. I bought it from the vendor in the photo above.
Rachel, Mia, a St. Bernard, and me at the marché de noël

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