23 September 2010

Bikes, paintings, and flowers

I have been pretty busy with class and other various mini adventures in Grenoble, first of which was buying a bike from a local bike shop called 'un p'tit velo dans la tete.' I could be practical and rent a metrovelo bike from the city that is ready to ride, has lights and a basket, and only costs 10 euro a month, but that isn't what I did. Instead, I excavated a dirty but beautiful bike from the bike shop in downtown Grenoble. It is white and has a Tour de France sticker. My bike needs a little work (it doesn't have brakes or a derailer), but it was only 15 euro. There are so many beautiful bikes in Grenoble and I really miss mine from America, so I thought it would be worth it. I am super excited to be able to ride my bike.

These are just over half of the bikes at the bike shop.

This is my new bike. 15 euro. Yes.

Some other beautiful bikes in Grenoble:

I wanted a Peugeot, but I got a Tour de France

Patricia and I went to the Notre-Dame Musee after class this week. We were two of the few people in the museum, which is a big difference compared to when I was at the Louvre a couple weeks ago. There was everything from religious paintings from the Middle Ages to very modern work.

I like this one

Older paintings

A newer painting

Patricia and I thinking very deeply about art

Me trying to figure out why someone would put this violent painting in their house. Angels with no bodies

Me and a statue

I like this one also

Here are a couple views of the downtown part of the city:

Place Notre-Dame

Flower stand in the city

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