16 September 2010

What is Speculoos?!

So I ran long the Isere River again today, but this time I went farther to the less developed places. I saw a small corn field, a pumpkin patch, and these black and white birds that are about the same size as crows. I keep seeing them around, but I don't know what they are. It started to rain at the end of my run, which was a lot different than yesterday when it was clear and pretty hot.

I made another trip to the grocery store, and I promise I won't write a blog entry about every time I go to the store, but today I went to the store looking for peanut butter. It was next to the shelves of Nutella and Nutella off-brands, and found this product that is called Speculoos. I didn't know the French word for peanut butter and I thought Speculoos looked like peanut butter, so I bought it. The clerk who scanned my food asked if it was good, which I was a little surprised that she asked. I know peanut butter isn't that common in Europe, but I didn't think it was that bizarre. Anyway, unfortunately for me, I found out that Speculoos is not peanut butter. So far, all I can figure out is that it is some sort of caramel or butter spread for Belgian crackers. Does anyone know what it is?

Speculoos, what are you?!

1 comment:

  1. Haha Catie!!! I miss you so much! There isn't any peanut butter here in Spain either :( I totally know how you feel with going to the grocery store and having it be super exciting just to have a normal experience lol This is no surprise but our lives seem to be lining up again and I feel like our language experience is very similar. I read your blogs and I can completely relate. The language barrier adds a whole new and different level to living and studying outside the country. I have had a lot of laughs about things I have said or learning about the culture here and at the same time have had a lot of frustrating moments because of these same things. It is definitely an experience that is amazing and challenging and will change me forever. Here's to the hope of finding some peanut butter :)
