15 September 2010

Muesli and therefore an adventure

Today I went to the grocery store and had a successful trip whereby I didn't get any confused glances and I went to the right check out! At Geant, where I have been going to get food, there is a line for gold star members (or something), a line for if you are just paying with a check or credit card, and all the other lines. The first time I went to Geant, I accidentally got in the line for the special store members. The second time, I tried to pay with cash in the line where you can only pay with a card or check. BUT today, I got the right stickers for my produce and went in the right check out line. Score. Anyway, I thought I would show everyone the great bread, cheese, and wine selection in France.

Bread isle

One of the cheese isles

One of the wine isles
I discovered Muesli with chocolate at the grocery store. Actually, a lot of cereals here have chocolate in them, which I definitely don't have a problem with. At first I thought Muesli was an undiscovered wonder of the world (to me at least), and then I proceeded to eat something like half the box and then realized it isn't quite the greatest thing ever.

Herold and Muesli Chocolat Noir
But alas, overeating the chocolate Muesli prompted to me to go for a run that turned into an adventure in itself. I saw lots of runners and bikers, people rowing, and then I saw a brown squirrel! This is also what I found:

Houses in Grenoble

The Isere River that had trails on both sides

I think I like France

I thought I would include a sort of evolution of art that I have seen since I got to France, including the last piece that I saw on my run today.


Painting at the Pompidou (I've posted this one before)

Graffiti under the bridge that I saw today

just artists of different eras

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